Menopause at Work Webinars


Embrace the changing seasons of life at your workplace. Our ‘Menopause at Work’ sessions are designed to provide awareness, understanding, and support around menopause, an often-overlooked phase in a woman’s life.

Why Book a Session?

  1. Increase Awareness: Menopause is not just a ‘woman’s issue.’ It affects teams, productivity, and the work environment. By creating awareness, you foster an inclusive workspace.
  2. Boost Morale: Empathy and understanding can lead to increased morale among all staff, not just those experiencing menopause symptoms.
  3. Enhance Productivity: Supportive work environments can lead to reduced absenteeism and increased work efficiency.
  4. Fulfill CSR & Diversity Goals: Stay at the forefront of corporate social responsibility by addressing the holistic wellbeing of your staff.

What’s Included?

  • Interactive Seminars: Engaging sessions providing factual, compassionate insights into menopause.
  • Q&A Segments: An open forum where employees can ask questions and dispel myths surrounding menopause.
  • Resource Distribution: Informative links that employees can refer to after the seminar.
  • Follow-up Support: Continued support in the form of resources, tips, and periodic webinars to ensure sustained awareness.

Who Should Attend?

While the primary focus is on supporting those experiencing menopause, it’s essential for everyone, irrespective of age or gender, to attend. After all, understanding leads to empathy, which can reshape your workplace for the better.


“Grateful for your kindness in coming to speak to the group yesterday. It was a thoroughly informative session, and it was lovely to see so many interacting” – Minnie, British Footwear Association

“First and foremost…thank you!! You were amazing and I personally appreciate the time you took” – Tina, American Express

“Thank you for the session – it was really informative, positive and helpful” – Susan, UKRI

Book Your Session Today

Empower, educate, and uplift your organization. Book a ‘TalkMeno’ session today and take a positive step towards a more inclusive and empathetic workplace.

Email now to arrange a free call to see how we can help you.

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